Getting married in the enchanting fishing village of Chianalea in Calabria – Laura and Danilo’s wedding photos

In order to recount this new love story, I crossed the Strait of Messina and went to Chianalea, a small, enchanting fishing village. Danilo and Laura were waiting for me and I finally had the pleasure of embracing them, after a year of preparations and pleasant chats.

Laura and Danilo embody beauty in the deepest sense of the word: they are beautiful inside and out and when they are together, they manage to create a magic and a harmony that are difficult to explain in words. I only know that I loved every detail of this wedding, which was meticulously organised by creative, elegant characters with a vintage touch. Laura designed her own wedding dress and chose a valuable English veil which had belonged to a nineteenth-century woman – she was enchanting, a Mediterranean Frida who attracted the attention of all the inhabitants of Scilla as she walked towards the church!

A heartfelt thanks for really wanting us there and for letting us work with total freedom and serenity. It was as if we’d known you forever!

We love you guys!

Stefano Odoardi
Chicky Mo Swing Band
VeletteSospette hat couture

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